Comic for Sept 9, 2015
With strip #40 comes a temporary change. In case you hadn’t noticed in the website banner, Galactic Dragons, for the time being, has changed to being updated only once weekly. I apologize to anyone this upsets (or annoys).
I have chosen Wednesdays as the updated comic day as who doesn’t need a mid-week pick-me-up?
This isn’t forever; extra time is needed to do more with the strip and this is the only way I can swing this. I would like to be able to add fan extras such as wallpapers, bonus images, and swag. I am planning on expanding the strip to other comic sites and do more with social media; plus continue to work my job and pay my mortgage.
So for now please forgive the inconvenience, and I hope you continue enjoying Galactic Dragons! Peace.
I’m sure he wouldn’t let Copernicus drive if it wasn’t safe!
Copernicus does appear to be an exceptional driver, doesn’t he?
Start spreadshirt site. Would love to buy GD shirts and sweaters.
Darkhog: Thank you! I’m very happy to hear that there is an interest in GD merchandise! That is among the projects I am working on (which unfortunately has lead to a decrease in updates temporarily). But I do plan on offering merchandise in the future.
Haha, with great power comes great irresponsibility!
Mark, I laughed out loud at this one!
Nooo! I wish you could post these more often!
That’s my main goal, I do want to offer more updates! Thank you for your enthusiasm, I’m glad you’re enjoying the comic!