A new character has appeared in the Galactic Dragons universe!
Well, there’s going to be a lot of new faces now that the crew has found the lost colonists, however Molly will take the center role in this new arc.
Molly’s character is based off of the comic character “Molly Beans”, by Dan Sacharow, which can be found at http://www.MollyBeans.com
Molly’s character came to be as I was trying to figure out a way to thank Dan for the YouTube comic review he did for Galactic Dragons in 2017, which can be found HERE.
I was blown away by what an amazing review he gave, and I still blush at all of his kind words.
I told him I’d love to create some fan art of Molly Beans as a thank you, but I’m not that great at drawing humans. Dan responded,
“Well, how about drawing Molly as a dragon?”
And then it occurred to me: why not make Molly a guest character in the comic? I needed a female role for the engineer who was to be the unofficial leader of the imprisoned colonists. What better choice than Molly Beans, who is a brilliant engineer, strong, determined, and not afraid to speak her mind?
Plus she’s cute as a button with awesome hair! I couldn’t think of a better role model than Molly Beans, and she’s lots of fun to draw as a dragon!
I considered making her a flesh-toned color but it looked a little weird, lol!
Thank you again, Dan, I hope you like dragon Molly! 🙂
Stay tuned for more Molly Dragon and the next adventures of the Tempest crew as they work to escape X-F3!