Comic for February 17, 2016
Whew, I cut this update close. I went and saw Deadpool tonight (spoiler: it’s aaaamazing!) so I had to stay up late to finish this strip. Worth it!
I can’t fault Azimuth for his difficulties in navigation. When someone asks, “Is that on the east side of the street or the west?”, I have to imagine the sun’s path in the sky and take my bearings from there. How the heck does one navigate in space?
Anyway, enjoy!
I hope they can afford to take their bearings… 🙂
They can’t, but they do. 🙂
I’m still on the edge of whether I should watch Deadpool. How often does he breaking 4th wall?
Deadpool was pretty awesome. There was so much happening and to absorb that I can’t off the top of my head remember the instance of him breaking the 4th wall, but at least a few times if my memory serves. Sometimes it’s hard to tell because he’s constantly talking; I’d have to re-watch it and really pay attention.
“Close enough” is not good enough!
Except in horseshoes and hand grenades. 🙂
Jake the Dog coffee mug? Where is the bacon pancakes?
You noticed the mug! 😀 Lol, I actually HAVE that actual coffee mug, where Jake is makin’ the bacon pancakes! 😀