Comic for October 14, 2015
We all have our priorities, right? I go nuts at work if my favorite radio station isn’t coming in. Music definitely makes the day more enjoyable!
Comic for October 14, 2015
We all have our priorities, right? I go nuts at work if my favorite radio station isn’t coming in. Music definitely makes the day more enjoyable!
Well, technically it does improve the welfare of the ship!
Yes, yes it does!
lol i can help but picture bruno with a boston accent is that wrong?
Hmmm, I hadn’t thought of that before. I always imagined his voice similar to John Goodman’s but that doesn’t mean there can’t be an accent!
T-Bone appears rather quadrupedal in the last panel.
If a Star-Cruiser needs repairin’, you sometimes gotta be on all fours!