I did struggle a bit with making T-Bone the first to speak up, but it had to be that way in order to set-up the next strip! Plus I added a line for Captain Thew to help rectify Tee being the first to speak up.
Hmmm…. After reviewing the begging of this story, my unsuspecting plot twist detector is going off again and thinking maybe the person(s) they’re here to rescue doesn’t want a rescue. Either way, time to do the darth vadar impersonations with the hazmat/chemical gear. I miss those fun times in the military……
Figures the rebellious one would be the only one to speak up and do something with the Lycadians.
believe the phrase “Me thinkest you doth protest too much” is coming to mind here, yes.
That’s what’s on T-Bone’s mind for sure!
I did struggle a bit with making T-Bone the first to speak up, but it had to be that way in order to set-up the next strip! Plus I added a line for Captain Thew to help rectify Tee being the first to speak up.
Hmmm…. After reviewing the begging of this story, my unsuspecting plot twist detector is going off again and thinking maybe the person(s) they’re here to rescue doesn’t want a rescue. Either way, time to do the darth vadar impersonations with the hazmat/chemical gear. I miss those fun times in the military……
the beginning of the story… I hate typing on an ipad.
Lol! I did think about gearing them up in hazmat suits but in the end decided not to. Perhaps in a future strip!