But did T-Bone place that wager on the correct timeline? He could be on point with the phrase, but if not in the right quarter, it could all be for naught. 😉
I believe they didn’t have any timelines in their wager! 😉
I once participated in an office pool for the Superbowl a long time ago. I had no idea what I was doing and just randomly chose squares and ended up winning $40, it was pretty awesome.
But did T-Bone place that wager on the correct timeline? He could be on point with the phrase, but if not in the right quarter, it could all be for naught. 😉
I believe they didn’t have any timelines in their wager! 😉
I once participated in an office pool for the Superbowl a long time ago. I had no idea what I was doing and just randomly chose squares and ended up winning $40, it was pretty awesome.
LOL….Reminds me of poker nights in the base dorms during exercise week.
We all need a way to unwind, right? 🙂
Do I like this strip? You bet!
I feel this joke would be better if you would change your to Mark Stakes just for this one post.
Good anyway, but I bet you could do better than that.
Aw, thanks Mark!! ^-^