#187 Alarm Trip
Comic for March 20, 2019
Happy First Day of Spring! This is the time of year we can all crawl out of our little holes we’ve been hiding in all winter to hibernate (darn it, haha). Time to start spending more time outdoors!
In regards to Galactic Dragons…sorry that it’s been a little dark lately. It’s been all action and not much humor, but bear with me, it will get better! The dragons are having a rough time of it, but that’s all part of a rescue mission, isn’t it? If they were making jokes the whole time, I feel it would lessen the significance of the mission.
On that note, cheers! Hope you’re all having a good week!
Hasn’t seemed too dark to me, Dana! I’ve enjoyed the action.
Thank you, RG, I appreciate that, and I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the story!
As Robert Burns wrote in his poem Ode to a Mouse. The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley, or in this case dragons.
This is one of my favorite quotes (and one can oft hear me muttering this under my breath a lot at my job, haha). Thank you, Jerome!
Still don’t know if that Maxton character can be trusted!
It’s definitely a grey area! I’d have a hard time trusting him too if I was Molly! Thanks, H!
Cue the dramatic countdown music! Love the suspense, Dana!
Thank you, Mark!